Sunday, October 5, 2008

Barack Obama/Joe Biden: Change That Will Make A Difference

Barack Obama is running for the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election. Obama was in the Illinois Senate for eight years. He was very successful in making the state a better home for many citizens, by creating a tax credit which gave back over $100 million to families in need. Obama has been a member of the U.S. Senate since 2004, where he has brought a bipartisan point-of-view to the laws we need today. With Republican Tom Coburn, he passed a law to help citizens regain trust in the national government. The law allowed citizens to see where their taxes were being spent by the government. He plans to help eliminate partisan takes on government if he is elected to office.

Senator Obama has many strong ideas on how and why the economy needs to change. One of his plans, for rural communities, is to help regulate farm subsidies and stop big corporations from taking land from small, family owned businesses.

One of the major issues Obama is talking about in his campaign is the issue on taxes. Obama plans to give tax cuts to the lower and middle classes, instead of to the upper class. Families who make less then $250,000 a year would not pay as much money in taxes. With economy in the state it’s currently in, this could save many citizens thousands of dollars.

Obama is also for a phased withdrawel from the war in Iraq. Barrack believes the war in Iraq has strained our military resources to the point that we are not able to effectively protect Americans from Al Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan and other foreign threats like Iran.
Most of all Barrack Obama represents Americas best hope for meaningful change. President Bush has one of the lowest approval ratings of any president in history and under Republican control for 12 years, Congress has an even lower approval rating. Barrack Obama intends to make the government work for the people and restore the United States faith and trust in it's leaders.


Anonymous said...

Why I support Obama...
Well once he said that he was going to take on the lobbyists I liked him. He will change how America does business. McCain knows Obama is the best choice, that's why McCain has fired some of his lobbyist friends.
Obama is the only candidate running that will not keep our troops in Iraq for 1000 years. He will reintroduce the words "foreign diplomacy" in the intended (original) use. He will not continue threatening to hunt people down and invade countries just because we have the power to do so. He will try every option before using force. He’s willing to work across party lines for the common goals of the American people. In my opinion and of what I have seen through debates and interviews is that Obama is nothing like Bush. And furthermore, since I don't care for Bush's policies I like Obama the most.

Jerica 4 Ben

Anonymous said...

If I could vote in this upcoming election, I would vote for Barack Obama. His plan for the war is much better than his main opponent, John McCain. If we are going to win this war, we need to get out of Iraq and focus on Afghanistan, as Obama would do. With his plan for rural communities, he is showing that he is going to help all of us in this financial crisis, not just people in the city. Finally, I want a lower tax plan. Being that I work part time and do not make $250,000 annually, his tax plan will lower my taxes and help me.

Anonymous said...

Although I do not yet know who I am going to vote for in the mock election, I strongly agree with Senator Barack Obama's position on taxes. In this current economic recession, the middle class citizens are suffering. They are the ones who need the tax cut the most. As one of those middle class citizens, I want to know that I will benefit from the proposed tax cuts. In the past, tax cuts have been given to the upper class and that obviously has not helped the economy. We need the tax cuts and Obama is the one to give them.

Anonymous said...

My dad keeps joking if Barak Obama wins I will have to go to Garret College for a year, because he won't be able to afford 4 years of college. He says Robin Hood makes for a good movie, but "spreading the wealth" or Robing hood welfare is bad for the USA.
Honestly, I don't like either candidate. Obama has little experience, and McCain is probably too old and out of touch with society.
But, I would vote for McCain, at least he is a safe bet, and Obama has too many unknowns.

Anonymous said...

I think Senator Barack Obama would be a better president than would McCain. Obama has the experience, and though he may not be a war veteran, he has the leadership qualities the president would need. He has helped middle class Americans and as president would help on an even broader level.

The Colin Powell endorsement he recently received shows that he can cross party lines and get the support of Republicans. The fact that it was the Secretary of State under Bush, makes it even more important of an endorsement. I believe that Obama has what it takes to make this country even greater and to fix as many of Bush's mistakes as possible. I wish I could vote in this election, because I'd vote for the first candidate I've really gotten excited about in the first election I've really payed attention to, Barack Obama 2008.

Anonymous said...

I believe Senator Barack Obama is the best choice for President of the United States. A major issue has been the war in Iraq. Obama plans on withdrawing from Iraq within 16 months of taking office. But it's not just that he wants to withdraw -- he wants to withdraw safely and responsibly. I hear a lot of people talking about how they support McCain because McCain "supports the troops". Just yesterday somebody told me that they hate Obama because their boyfriend is in Iraq. She claimed that her and McCain support the troops, while Obama does not. This made me upset. How does pulling out of Iraq mean that Senator Obama does not support the troops? You would think that, especially coming from someone whose boyfriend is in Iraq, that the troops should come home. Then people who have loved ones over there would not have to worry about them day and night.
I also believe Senator Obama shows great potential. He would bring a view of bipartisanship to America, which I think is a good move. He was quoted saying, "There is not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America." Yes, Senator Obama takes "liberal" views on the issues. But that does not mean he's unwilling to work with Republicans and Democrats alike as President. I'm very excited for Election Day next week, and I think America will vote the best candidate for the job.

Anonymous said...

I think Barack Obama would not be the best choice for President of the United States for three reasons. First, I disagree with his belief that we should "spread the wealth". It is not fair to those that have paid their fair share of the tax burden. Why should those that haven't paid any taxes get a check from the government? Second, he believes that the government shold provide health care to all citizens. this will cost a lot of money and will take away our choice of what doctor we want to see. Lastly, Obama has very little foreign policy experience, and over the last eight years we know it is important to continue to be strong against our enemies. I am not of voting age, however I know the sacrifices my mom and dad make everyday working hard so that I can live comfortably. Obama would take a large share of our income and spend it on government programs or give it to others that may not be working at all. I don't think this is fair and I think John McCain would be a much better choice.

Anonymous said...

Obama has a proven record of helping diverse people come together to achieve good things. He has shown that he really does support the middle class by allocating the tax burden more fairly. These are some of the goals he has promised his administration will pursue. The full extent of his 'negative' campaigning has been to point out negative facts. This is not the same kind of negative attacks that are directed at him...attacks based not on facts, but on innuendo, and designed to cause fear and hatred to grow. It's a sad, disgraceful demonstration from the opposing party.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Senator Obama would make a great President. I believe that he has plenty of experience in the political arena and a good majority of his ideas hit home with me. As part of a family that has been active in the military for the War on Terror, his idea of drawing the troops out of Iraq really pleases me. thatkfully none of my family has died over there yet, and with Senetor Obama drawing them out of there, I won't have to worry about them as much. Also, I plan on joining the Marines shortly after I graduate, I don't wish to fight in an area were we should not have been.

Anonymous said...

Senator Obama will be a great president because his plans on taxes, college, and rural life this hits very close to home. Think about it there is quite a few farmers in the area and help our area. i want to go to college so his plan to help me pay for it is great. In the future I want to be a restaurant owner and his tax cuts to small buisness and will make it that I can thrive to create a few more jobs and help the area I live in. He will be a great president and hopefully will be elected on November 4th.